HUD RFP: Exchange Knowledge Management Platform

Notice ID: 86614823R00007

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is seeking a Contractor with extensive experience working in a regulated industry to perform knowledge management services. The Contractor will deliver a web-based technical assistance (TA) environment aimed at building the capacity of HUD’s TA customers, including program participants, grantees, and other recipients of HUD funding or participants in HUD initiatives, to design and deploy compliant, effective, and transformational affordable housing and community development programs.

The Contractor will assume responsibility for all aspects of the existing website (HUD Exchange or HUDx), improve functionality of site features, and integrate new tools. Through changes in the design, functionality, and marketing of HUD Exchange, the Contractor will contribute to increases in site usership and user engagement, which HUD expects will translate into measurable growth of TA customer capacity and improved delivery of HUD-funded programs and initiatives. In 2023, HUDx had 5.8 million user sessions, 19.3 million page views, and 741 thousand document downloads.

More here.


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