HRSA RFI: Health Accreditation, Certification and Recognition Services

Notice ID: RFI_Accreditation_Certification_and_Recognition_Services

The purpose of this notice is to obtain information regarding qualified and capable vendors that are interested and able to provide ambulatory healthcare, PCMH, laboratory and behavioral health accreditation services.

In response to this notice, HRSA is seeking capability statements from businesses who can demonstrate experience, expertise, and capability to perform the following tasks:

Task 1: Project Management and Reporting

Task 2: Conduct of On-Site/Virtual Health Facility Accreditation/ Recognition/Distinction Surveys

Task 3: Development of Survey Design

Task 4: Provide Training and Technical Assistance to Health Facilities and Staff

Task 5: Reports and Accreditation/Recognition Decisions

Task 6: Collect, Aggregate, and Analyze Health Facility Data

Task 7.: Federal Records Management

Task 8.: Records Management Training

Read more here.


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