HHS SAMHSA RFI: Office of Financial Resources (OFR) Technical Support Contract

Notice ID:  283-24-0622

Project Description:

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)/Office of Financial Resources (OFR) carries out all Chief Financial Officer functions, including:

  1. conducting necessary analyses to provide SAMHSA managers with reliable financial, cost, and performance information annually and throughout the year to manage programs;
  2. evaluating and improving financial management systems, controls, and operations to eliminate waste, fraud, and abuse, and to improve asset management;
  3. evaluating acquisition, grant, and contracting policy and practices;
  4. evaluating plans to cut costs and improve effectiveness and efficiencies;
  5. establishing effective SAMHSA financial organizational structure and financial personnel requirements; and
  6. providing advice and guidance to the Assistant Secretary on budget; financial management; and program priority alignment with legislation and SAMHSA policies.

Within OFR the Division of Grant Management (DGM), the Division of Budget (DOB), and Office of Financial Advisory Services (OFAS) are responsible for the management of SAMHSA’s discretionary and mandatory grant and cooperative agreement programs, for the management and execution of SAMHSA’s budget, and for the financial audit, oversight, and enforcement functions for SAMHSA.

The Division of Grants Management (DGM) manages the administrative, business,

and financial processes for over 5,000 SAMHSA discretionary and mandatory grant and cooperative agreement programs. The division ensures that all grant awards conform to applicable statutory, regulatory, and administrative policy requirements, from pre award through closeout.  DGM collaborates with SAMHSA’s Offices and Centers to award grants, monitor recipients, and process post award amendments, such as budget revisions, changes in key staff, and extensions.  DGM develops and implements SAMHSA’s grant policies, procedures, and practices to ensure effective customer service, consultation, and oversight in grants processes.  DGM also liaises with other HHS organizations to ensure consistency between discretionary and mandatory grant award activities, including the Program Support Center’s Division of Payment Management Services, which provides payment system services for grants. The Contractor shall provide grant management support to SAMHSA’s DGM throughout the grant lifecycle from pre-award to closeout.

The Division of Budget provides budget formulation and execution guidance and support to all centers and offices within SAMHSA.  DOB leads the development, preparation, consolidation, and submission of the annual budget request.  DOB interprets appropriation language and distributes funding across SAMHSA accordingly.  DOB monitors and compares obligations against planned requirements to ensure proper and timely use of the appropriated funding.

The contractor shall use existing Government financial systems and data, to provide budget formulation, budget execution, and appropriation support.

The Office of Financial Advisory Services performs financial reviews of SAMHSA’s discretionary and non-discretionary grants.  OFAS conducts risk assessments of current and prospective grantees to ensure their financial systems are adequate to administer federal awards.  OFAS leads SAMHSA’s internal audits and prepares the agency’s management assurance report and the quarterly and year-end financial statements.  OFAS is responsible for resolving Federal and non-Federal audit findings applicable to its programs. OFAS also processes all agency Hotline Complaints. The contractor shall use existing Government systems and data, to provide financial review and audit support to OFAS.

The intended contract will provide the Government the option to extend the contract in one-year increments, for a 12-month base period and four (4) option years.

Read more here.


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