HHS HRSA Sources Sought: OPTN Next Generation IT MA-BPA

Notice ID: 75P00125Q00003

HRSA has a need for a streamlined and common contracting vehicle to support the research, design, development, configuration, customization, and deployment of modern IT solutions to the OPTN system. Once deployed, HRSA will have a need for ongoing enhancements and production support for solutions. While meeting the Modernization Initiative objectives and ensuring uninterrupted services for organ transplantation in the United States, HRSA requires access to expert services in the areas of product management, Human-Centered Design (HCD), agile application development, Application Programming Interface (API) development, systems security, database management and security, accessibility and 508 Compliance, automated testing, cloud infrastructure design and management, continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD), and/or Development, Security and Operations (Develops) services.

Using modern, human-centered design practices and delivery methodologies, the OPTN NextGen IT Multiple Award Blanket Purchase Agreement shall include the services necessary for research, design, development, testing, and piloting of modules leading to modernized, secure, and flexible OPTN software solutions and information technology.

HRSA intends to utilize the General Service Administration (GSA) Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) Special Item Number (SIN) 54151S Information Technology Professional Service to fulfill the needs of this requirement.

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