Notice ID: Section508ProgramSupport2024
ACF Tech is seeking to build an autonomous Section 508 Accessibility Program and capacity for testing and remediation of its digital content in its inaugural contract and expand its Program and capacity for continued maturation of its Section 508 Accessibility Program for all of the ACF Program Offices and Staff divisions.
The ACF Tech Section 508 Program is currently built on the framework of the GSA Section 508 Technology Accessibility Playbook, and the new E.O. M-24-08 Strengthening Digital Accessibility and the Management of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act.
All new innovative technical solutions should be in alignment with the Digital Service Playbook and industry best practices.
The contractor shall incorporate ACF IT requirements, including technical and/or detailed design documents within iterations, and follow the United States Digital Service Playbook.
Description of Services/Introduction: ACF Tech is strengthening its interagency capacity for the assessment and remediation of accessibility characteristics for its ICT digital content. ACF Tech is seeking to build an autonomous Section 508 Accessibility Program and capacity for testing and remediation of its digital content in its inaugural contract and expand its Program and capacity for continued maturation of its Section 508 Accessibility Program for all of the ACF Program Offices and Staff divisions.
Scope: This Statement of Work (SOW) describes the services that will assist ACF Tech and ACF Program offices with implementing Section 508-compliant ICT solutions, testing and validation of ICT, performing remediation of inaccessible ICT, developing and delivering accessibility training, and providing other accessibility support as needed.
The scope incorporates all required laws, regulations, rules, standards, and security guidance. Adherence applies to all Contractors providing services, inclusive of partnering arrangements, primes, and subcontractors.
The scope of work involves Contractor support to provide subject matter expert services and technical assistance for accessibility testing and remediation of ACF Tech’s digital content based upon industry standard best practices and tools for user experience methodologies. It includes both core and optional task areas which may be requested at the direction of the508 Accessibility Program Manager (the Program Manager) throughout the period of performance.
ACF Tech oversees the Section 508 Program to ensure persons with disabilities have access to ACF’s data and services. ACF Tech promotes integration of best practices and state of the art technology tools and utilities to deliver functional and accessible systems and services to ACF’s Staff and Program Offices to support their various communities, and the underlying infrastructure used by our internal and external customers. ACF believes everyone has a right to expect accessibility in its tools, systems, and infrastructure to ensure a rich and diverse employee base and customer community. In this initial contract, the Program is primarily focused on ensuring ACF digital content is accessible but may include Program Office support in the future as the Program matures and priorities dictate.
The period of performance is a base year plus four option years.
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