Notice ID: 47PM1124R0006
The Contractor is assigned responsibility for the formulation, presentation, and execution of a portion of the organizational unit’s annual operating budget. The budget assigned includes related personnel salaries and expenses, building operations, supplies, equipment, (including computer hardware and software), and all contractual requirements. Participate in developing plans, procedures, and instructions for formulating and executing the budget. Reviews budget requests submitted by various organizational components to assure their consistency, accuracy, and adherence to instructions. Negotiates desired changes (i.e. additions and deletions) with program managers and the budget and administrative staffs of submitting components. Prepares documents needed to process budget estimates, requests for supplemental appropriations, requests for deficiency apportionment, and allotments needed to finance new programs or program changes. Participates in coordinating budgetary actions in the phases of budget formulation and execution for assigned area of responsibility. Partner with program managers and budget and administrative staffs of organizational subdivisions to determine the amount and timing of funding and staffing allowances and recommends approval or disapproval of requests for funds. Monitors the execution of a budget with many different sources and types of funding (e.g., direct multi-year appropriations, allowances, transfers of funds from other agencies, reimbursements for services performed, revenue from working capital funds, or trust fund accounts). Identifies and analyzes trends in the receipt, obligation, or expenditure of funds to assure that objectives of the annual financial plan are being met on a timely basis, and that funds are available and being properly and effectively used to support program objectives. Develops recommendations for budgetary adjustments to support unanticipated changes in program operations and/or funding. Prepares and documents requests for increases or decreases in funds which require approval of budget or program officials at higher levels…
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