Notice ID: 47PM1124R0005
The US General Services Administration (GSA) will require Financial Management and Senior Program Analysts Professional Support Services for the Office of Chief Financial Officer PBS located in Washington, DC.
A Financial Management Analyst will evaluate financial activities of an assigned program area within the Public Building Service in conformance with policies and procedures established by OMB, GAO, and the General Services Administration’s Chief Financial Officer. To provide 6 (six) Financial Management Analysts to support GSA’s Chief Financial Officer, PBS Regional Financial Services Office, Zone 4 supporting 2 Divisions – Analysts Supporting the Leasing and Revenue Division and Analysts supporting the Financial Management Division responsible to monitor and review the execution of regional funding activities to ensure compliance with internal controls that prevent violations of the GSA administrative controls of funds procedures and federal appropriation law (e.g. the Anti-Deficiency Act, Purpose Statute and Bona Fide Need Rule)
TASKS Monthly Deliverables to the Government – Revenue/FFO Division
- Analyze, reconcile and report-out on lease payments and projected lease costs variance. (LP)
- Determine and recommend if monthly expense accruals are required for pending actions by reviewing the monthly Revenue Variance Workbook.
- Identify vacant space expenses as well as performing analysis to determine if GSA PBS could improve financial performance by seeking opportunities for lease buyouts and rent reductions.
- Identify and establish revenue and expense accruals to ensure the accuracy of GSA’s PBS financial performance.
- Perform lease profitability reviews to identify variances of rental of space expenses against contractual agreements, and revenue received against tenant agency bills as well as collaborate with regional stakeholders to validate and monitor all outstanding discrepancies through resolution. (FFO).
- Work on a team to complete yearly formulation of rent estimates which assist customer agencies with their space budget request
- OCS – Other Contract Services – review OCS costs to determine if GSA is recouping costs via RWA or rent. Provide comments back to PBS for yearly OA price adjustments
- Other duties as assigned…
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