Get your Earth Day OASIS Plus point here – Batting 1000 on CIO-SP4

Tomorrow is Earth Day, a day that honors the achievements of the environmental movement and raises awareness of the need to protect Earth’s natural resources for future generations. In recognition, this consultancy, which stood head and shoulders above every other firm as the biggest CIO-SP4 winner when the apparent awardees were announced early this month, is offering some free tools to help those bidding OASIS Plus, or those working to comply with FAR Regulations. Whether you need the tip or not, we highly recommend you get to know this firm as they have quickly and quietly become a gold standard partner to some of the top firms in the Federal sector today. 

If you have read OrangeSlices AI content enough, you will note that we rarely sing the praises of any one company, but in this case, it is warranted. When the final list of apparent awardees was announced on the $50B CIO-SP4 GWAC early this month, the list included more than 400 companies, but one company stood out from the pack as the clear winner of the day – and that company is BD Squared. 

Who? I didn’t see them on the list of winners.  

This is true, but led by Co-Owners Stephanie Mitchell and Brian Friel, this team of self-described “Federal Acquisition Business Development veterans and government contract data masters” served as the lead proposal and capture partner to more than 100 bidders on CIO-SP4. Do you know how many of the firms won? All of them. In baseball, only a few have ever sniffed a batting average above .400. Batting a thousand, especially when bidding on one of the most heavily competed solicitations in the Federal sector over the last two years, is one for the record books, likely never to be duplicated … though this group will try.  

Early this week, Stephanie Mitchell and BD Squared posted an offer on LinkedIn for a Green House Gas (GHG) Emissions tutorial and a calculator that will get you one free OASIS Plus point. Potential bidders on this important GWAC need 36 points to qualify as a small and 42 as a large. This is only one point but it’s one of the only points you can actually go get right now.   

Regardless of whether you need this GHG information, or you are even planning to bid on OASIS Plus, it is worth following and getting to know this group a bit better.

OS AI Note: No, we are not paid by BD Squared, we are just fans of their work.  

A new bar has been set when competing on future scorecard-based IDIQs – We are seeing a trend toward the need for perfect or near-perfect scores (look no further than VA’s T4NG2), especially when there are a more limited number of awardees.   

The ability to get creative and maximize scores on these scorecard-based procurements is part art and part science. Other proposal and capture firms will almost certainly step up their game to try and keep pace with what was done on CIO-SP4 and we fully expect that some will have success.  

What does appear clear is that, if the scorecard procurements trend continues, and there is no reason to believe this will slow, it is almost a necessity that any small (and possibly large) business weighing a bid on a major multiple-award IDIQ or GWAC will need to sign on with a third-party specialist if they want any chance of winning. Firms such as BD Squared, who are supporting large numbers of bidders in their pursuit of the same contract, can afford to add the types of senior acquisition and capture experts that few small businesses can, and they have the capacity and expertise to think through and test creative strategies in a way that no single bidder can match.  




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