Forest Service RFQ: Strategic Alignment and Optimization Analysis of the Pacific Northwest and Pacific Southwest Research Stations

Notice ID: 12441924Q0041

This procurement is restricted to those approved companies eligible for call orders under the USDA Forest Service Facilitation, Leadership Education, and Executive Coaching Services with agreement numbers 12318721A0012 through 1 12318721A0015.

RFQ Number: 12441924Q0041

Project Title: Strategic Alignment and Optimization Analysis of the Pacific Northwest and Pacific Southwest Research Stations

Project Description: Forest Service (FS) Research and Development (R&D) requires an Analysis of Alternatives (AoA) to study the potential benefits and costs of various options for aligning and optimizing functions in the Pacific Northwest Research Station (PNW) and the Pacific Southwest Research Station (PSW). Objectives of this project include engaging various employee and stakeholder groups to gather feedback on potential consolidation/alignment scenarios; analyzing feedback to develop an understanding of the benefits and costs of maintaining the as-is organizational structure and comparing it to two or three alternatives; and developing a final recommendation for FS leadership consideration.

Project Location: Multiple Forest Service facilities in the Pacific Northwest and Pacific Southwest.

This BPA is composed of small businesses. There are currently 4 businesses that will receive this solicitation.

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