Flatter awarded the newly developed Army Logistics University (ALU) consolidated Performance Work Statement (PWS)

Flatter is proud to announce that we have been awarded the newly developed Army Logistics University (ALU) consolidated Performance Work Statement (PWS), which combines four previously independent Colleges into one consolidated contract. This consolidation will provide a single responsible contractor for the entire ALU instructional effort. Additionally, it is worth noting that the Army Logistics University will soon be going through a name change to the Army Sustainment University (ASU).

Previously, ALU contracts were comprised of four independent contracts with four Contract Officer Representatives (COR). These four colleges included the Logistics Leader College, Logistics Non-Commissioned Officer Academy, Warrant Officer Technical Leader College, and Faculty and Staff Development training.

As the sole responsible contractor, Flatter will be responsible for the Logistics Basic Officer Leader Course (LOG BOLC), the Logistics Captains Career Course (LOG C3), Reserve Component (RC) Logistics Captains Career Courses (LOG C3), Warrant Officer’s Basic/Advance course training, (WOBC/WOAC); functional course training, Non-Commissioned Officer Academy (LNCOA) training, Professional Development (PD) training, and Faculty and Staff Development training.

This consolidation will provide augmentation of services to the entire ALU curriculum for their training mission, streamlining the process and creating greater efficiency. It also presents exciting opportunities for Flatter, as we have been awarded the ALU Support Battalion, which will provide administrative support to the four Colleges.

With over 40 course instructors, this consolidation has presented challenges in the past, but we are proud to rise to the occasion and provide exceptional service to the Army Logistics University.

We are excited to take on this responsibility and continue to deliver exceptional training to the Army. Our team has a wealth of experience in the field, with members like Bruce Hackett, who reflected, “The SCoE ITSC II contract has allowed me to use and develop my twenty-seven years of contract service to Ft Lee. The SCoE contract touches all these disciplines and brings me in contact with close friends and Army acquaintances who I interact with on a daily basis.  At seventy-eight I have learned that life is a journey and you never really retire from the things you love to do.  It keeps me young at heart and my mind ever productive.”

Flatter is proud to have been selected as the sole responsible contractor for the Army’s entire Logistics training effort at Ft Lee, soon to become Ft Gregg-Allen. We have already made several modifications to add instructors to the contract, and we look forward to continuing to deliver exceptional service to the Army.

See the post here.


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