FDA RFI: Food Applications Regulatory Management (FARM) System

Notice ID:  FDA-RFI-75F40125R00031
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is issuing this request for information (RFI) as a means of conducting market research, pursuant to FAR Part 10 Market Research, to identify potential parties from the marketplace capable of business and information technology support services (ITSS) for on-going operations and maintenance (O&M) and IT system development support using the current and enhanced infrastructure to various Human Foods Program (HFP) IT systems.
As a direct result of contract performance, the FDA expects to achieve the following outcomes:
  • Management of the IT configuration, security requirements, upgrades and programming of software processes associated with the front-end processing of submissions and the backend integrating with HFP Food Applications Regulatory Management system workflows and HFP interfacing IT systems.
  • Optimize the Food Applications Regulatory Management system content management, workflow processes towards Intelligent Business Management (support content creation, review and authorization, categorization, reusability, storage and archiving, and retrieval of data); and finally fulfill the reporting needs of HFP.
  • Improve data quality, data profiling, governance and data integration between HFP Food Applications Regulatory Management system and interfacing IT systems with other FDA data sets to facilitate the search and retrieval and sharing of information
  • Improve information reporting from various data resources to support various program areas
The period of performance will be determined at the task order level.
IDIQ Ceiling The total value of service purchased under this IDIQ shall not exceed $25,000,000.00 over the entire ordering period.



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