Notice ID: 692M15-24-RFI-LCAP
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is issuing a Request for Information (RFI) for interested and capable parties to provide Engineering and Integration services for the FAA Low Code Application Platform (LCAP) tools and collaboration/work management tools.
Below are some sample task areas for LCAP:
Task Area 1: Design
The first step is to develop or refine a future-state business process flow that defines an ideal sequence of high-level activities, decision points, inputs, and outputs, and to then adjust based on the known dependencies and limitations. For example, for the end-to-end Part 135 certification process, the future state business process included an integration with the future-state “Scheduler” application to automatically identify employee availability during certification project team setup. Since this application does not exist yet, the process flow will need to be updated to reflect a staffing approach that uses the currently available tools and data …
Task Area 2: Develop and Deploy Once the technical design is complete, agile development will begin, including iterative user testing. In addition, data integration and/or migration will be needed from the legacy application(s). A deployment plan will be development in collaboration with AIT and executed to deploy to the development, test, and production environments as required. Lastly, the deployment will be supported and will include technical and security documentation. It is important that development follows an agile methodology as statutory, regulatory, legal, Executive Order, international impacts, cybersecurity could impact development and deployment activities …
Task Area 3: Operations, Maintenance and Sustainment Proper software operations and maintenance (O&M) is the cornerstone for the successful application adoption and sustainment. Once the application is released to production the O&M team will engage in routine maintenance, debugging, and implementing updates to keep the application running smoothly. This includes identifying and addressing bugs, enhancing features, and ensuring compatibility with evolving technologies. It also includes as necessary all reoccurring assessments such as security, privacy, etc. By proactively managing application health, the O&M team will contribute to reduced downtime, improved user experience, and enhanced security …
Task Area 4: Citizen Developer Training A benefit of low code application platforms (LCAP) is the potential for citizen development, meaning that employees without traditional programming expertise can maintain and/or develop applications. The FS employee survey and interviews conducted as part of the FS technology strategy project revealed that while most employees are somewhat or slightly familiar with emerging technologies, more than 60% are concerned with the associated learning curve. To reduce the learning curve, FAA, AVS, FS and the SOs can bring employees directly into the application development process to build technical skills while collaboratively developing the applications …
Task Area 5: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Advanced Analytics Modern technical capabilities available by default in LCAPs would enhance the usability and reduce the development time of the proposed future applications. These capabilities include advanced data analytics, artificial intelligence (AI), generative AI, natural language processing and other advanced AI capabilities to support user interactions, user experience, services delivery, document and image review, intelligent automation, robotic process automation, etc. This also includes traditional advanced data analytics, artificial intelligence and machine learning, which uncover patterns and identify risks, predict outcomes, and evaluate effectiveness of our safety policies …
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