EXIM RFI and Industry Day: Professional Technical and Analytical Services

Notice ID: 25-CHR-25Task0311

CTEP established a baseline in FY21 for Risk Assessment of comparative leadership in the Transformational Export Areas (TEA) to arrange where to focus CTEP and EXIM resources and measure the program’s progress over time. Leveraging global expertise CTEP seeks small to medium businesses to help CTEP continue a framework for defining comparative advantage risk, create a methodology for measuring that risk and test the framework and methodology.

CTEP understands the constituent industries that comprise the TEAs, can prioritize EXIM focus within those industries, measure our comparative advantage and advise the bank on where to focus its resources…

Task 1: Comparative Leadership Analysis

Provide risk assessments to support CTEP objectives by delivering insight into the industry, technology, and sector conditions that present risk to the Comparative Leadership of the United States (U.S.) with respect to the People’s Republic of China (PRC), or other covered country, in the ten transformational export areas (TEAs) or other sectors so designated by CTEP, and within an expeditious time frame.

Assessments will leverage the Comparative Leadership methodology to tailor these and any previously submitted studies. The Comparative Leadership methodology includes analysis in the following categories, as available, primarily on the U.S. and PRC:

  1. Market share;
  2. Export strength;
  3. Government support; and
  4. Business leadership.

Additionally, in line with the methodology, analysis for these sectors will continue to include industry overviews and insights such as technology and capabilities, use cases, applicable subareas for EXIM to target, and competitive advantages for national security.

Task 2: Critical Mineral Analysis

Provide risk assessments of critical minerals to support CTEP and EXIM internal and external stakeholders by delivering critical insights, such as but not limited to market and supply chain conditions, that present risk to the Comparative Leadership of the United States with respect to the People’s Republic of China (PRC), or other covered country. Where applicable, assessments will leverage existing analysis frameworks.

Task 3: Additional Analysis to Support EXIM’s Mission and Critical Decision-making

Provide assessments or analysis to support CTEP’s role in providing insights and fact-based analysis that contribute to potential EXIM transactions or that support EXIM in establishing its critical mission to internal and external stakeholders. This could include, for example, analysis of companies, markets, industries, or other CTEP requests that support CTEP to advance its mission to help U.S. exporters facing competition from the PRC and advance America’s comparative leadership in the 10 (ten) Transformational Export Areas (TEAs). This could include, for example, ECA benchmarking analysis, industry landscape and comparable company analysis, analysis at the direction of EXIM leadership, and other analysis as discussed and agreed upon with the CTEP team.

Assessment topics will be subject to agreement with the CTEP team on scope and pricing prior to commencement of work.

More here.


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