EPA to extend $60M+ Integrated Compliance Information System IT support contract in advance of planned competition

Notice ID: GS00Q09BGD0019_EP-G16H-01289

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has a requirement for continuation of services under the current contract GS00Q09BGD0019/EP-G16H-01289, as described below.  GS00Q09BGD0019/EP-G16H-01289 expires on September 30, 2023.  The Government is in the process of competing, negotiating, and awarding follow on services to this contract in accordance with the Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR).  However, the contract for follow on services may not be awarded prior to the expiration date of GS00Q09BGD0019/EP-G16H-01289 and even if award is made by the expiration, transition services will be required.  The services under this contract are critical and cannot lapse.  The EPA intends to negotiate, on a sole source basis, with Booz Allen Hamilton Inc., 8283 Greensboro Dr, MCLEAN VA 22102, a modification to contract GS00Q09BGD0019/EP-G16H-01289 to extend services under this contract, not to exceed sixty (60) additional days of service, until such time that the competition for the follow-on contract for Information Engineering Support for the Integrated Compliance Information System (ICIS) is completed and a follow-on contract is awarded.

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