Education RFI: Integrated Postsecondary Education Data Systems (IPEDS) Support

Notice ID IES-673

The U.S. Department of Education (Department) intends to issue a solicitation from which nine of ten Regional Educational Laboratory (REL) contracts will issue.

This contract provides staff to assist with Data Collection and Data Operation activities.  These duties include acting as IPEDS Survey component directors, which includes work such as survey materials preparations, as well as directing social media activities and assisting in logistics and preparations for certain IPEDS-related meetings and conferences.

The help provided by the contractors will allow NCES to improve their efficiency with the data dissemination process, which in turn will enable the Department to provide data to the public in a timelier manner…

  • IPEDS Data Collection Support

The Postsecondary Branch administers the IPEDS collection consisting of different survey components: Institutional Characteristics (IC), Completions (C), 12-month enrollment (E12), Student Financial Aid (SFA), Graduation Rates (GR), 200% Graduation Rates (GR200), Admissions (ADM), Fall Enrollment (EFL), Finance (F), Human Resources (HR), Academic Libraries (AL), and Outcomes Measures (OM), and Cost (CST). The contractor shall review new and existing IPEDS Survey Components for standards compliance, content relevance, cognitive design, assist in the development of instrumentation and data collection mechanisms, user interface requirements and instructions, answer user questions, provide quality control, review summary data, and attend relevant project meetings.

The contractor must have expert knowledge of IPEDS and the process of collecting data in a federal data collection, including experience creating new survey items that meet the needs of a mandatory Title IV associated survey. In addition, the contractor must have all the knowledge necessary to improve all of the listed survey components, as program needs change annually…

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