Education Dept RFI: Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE) Organizational Development & Professional Learning Services

Notice ID:  91990024Q0044

OESE requires the services of a contractor with deep expertise in organizational development, facilitation, executive coaching, and professional learning to assist in conducting innovative improvement projects in areas like:

  • Adaptive organizational structure
  • Customer Experience
  • Knowledge and data management
  • Process efficiency/innovation
  • Talent management
    • Employee Development
    • Employee Retention
    • Leadership Development
    • Performance Management
    • Professional Learning
    • Succession Planning
    • Workforce Planning
    • Workplace culture

Types of Projects and Services that MAY be Required

OESE requires the assistance of a contractor who has experience and expertise in the topics listed in the Organizational Need section of this document.  To achieve the goals described in the Purpose and Background sections, the contractor must provide services like those described below.

Examples of types of projects that may be required:

Help Build Management/Leadership Capacity—Provide support in identifying and fulfilling professional learning and development needs for OESE executives, managers, supervisors, and staff.  This may include making recommendations regarding the type, design, and delivery of management development activities, and providing appropriate “just-in-time” development, professional learning, and executive coaching solutions.  It may also include providing instructors for leadership development programs for staff at varying pay and performance levels.

Create and Sustain a Work Environment that OESE Staff Describe as a Best Place to Work—Provide support to OESE in responding to issues identified through the annual Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey by determining the underlying reasons for the survey results, and using this knowledge to identify, prioritize and help implement high-impact solutions to continually improve OESE’s work environment.

Support Performance Management—Provide support in creating a strong, results-oriented performance culture for OESE (see Appendix B).  Help OESE’s executives and managers establish clear standards that differentiate between performance levels on the Department’s REsults ACHieved (REACH) performance system.

Support the Formation of New Groups and Organizational Units—Assist with leadership and organizational transitions.

The period of performance for this requirement will be one base year and four 12-month option years.

Read more here.


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