DOL RFI: Adjudication Courts Electronic System (ACES)

Notice ID: 1605TA-24-N-00004

DOL is seeking the delivery and configuration of SaaS application platform to fulfill the needs of ACES. The new ACES will include industry recognized adjudicatory functionality and meet evolving requirements in this space. This is a new requirement, therefore, there is no existing contract / incumbent.

ACES will provide a cost-effective solution to meet needs of OALJ & the Boards through a common shared platform and functional foundation while also affording each the independent capabilities needed to support their different missions. It will enhance the agencies’ abilities to efficiently adjudicate cases with new court tools to reduce case management burdens, thus allowing the agencies’ judges, staff attorneys, and legal support more time for core adjudicative functions. ACES will include information that is currently processed by both AMS and CTS allowing agencies to continuing to work on open and research past cases/appeals. The new system will improve reporting capabilities, aid in document management and integration with other DOL websites and systems. The expected cloud-based SaaS product is anticipated to dramatically increase connectivity, dependability, and scalability while providing industry’s best practices for both administrative hearing court and appellate courts when implementing a singular solution for multiple court types.

Fulfillment of the ACES PWS is expected to have these positive business outcomes:

  • Increase OALJ’s and the Boards’ case processing efficiency allowing for more time to address legal matters – OALJ currently adjudicates approximately 6,500 cases per year with a pending caseload exceeding 10,000. Performance Work Statement (PWS) 6 The Boards collectively adjudicate approximately 3,000 appeals per year while actively trying to reduce their pending cases.
  • Provide Boards’ faster service delivery through electronic exchange of case documents between the parties and the agencies – The Boards receive thousands of documents via various methods & formats. The Boards will baseline and leverage historical trends to better measure volumes of correspondence from various incoming and outgoing methods. Automation of correspondence acceptance in electronic manner will significantly increase the timeliness delivery as well as the overall processing of all communications with the Boards and its stakeholders. These improvements will greatly benefit all stakeholders both in the savings of time and cost.
  • Improved Allocation of Resources – The Boards will continue to provide thousands of well-reasoned, legally correct, and fair decisions in a timely manner. The Boards adjudicate cases by reviewing the appeal from a lower tribunal and rendering decisions; issuing decisions on petitions for reconsideration; and issuing decisions on requests for attorney fees. Implementation of robust workload and performance management solutions and related processes will allow for gains in staff productivity which will translate to increased production, reduced backlog, and shorter case processing times.   Leveraging technology to provide streamlined, electronic business processes coupled with efficient case management best practices and data analytics will result in more effective resource use.

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