DOI USGS RFI: Development and Maintenance of Analytical, Modeling, Data Management, and Web Systems Software in support of the Water Mission Area (WMA)

Notice ID:  DOIGFBO240044

The purpose of this requirements contract is to obtain services as described in this Performance Work Statement (PWS) for the maintenance and development of analysis, modeling, data management, and web services software in support of the Water Mission Area (WMA) and related mission areas of the United States Geological Survey (USGS) and documentation, training, mentoring, and user support related to the use of such software.  Firm Fixed Price task orders issued under this contract will specify the nature of the work, the end products, milestone schedule, phases, and metrics to be used to evaluate successful performance.

The OCOO Divisions maintain and develop a variety of software tools in support of their missions.  As computing environments and mission requirements change over time, existing software may need to be revised, enhanced or replaced and new software may be required.  The USGS seeks a qualified contractor to provide system analysis and programming services for the maintenance and development of analysis, modeling, data management, and web services software in the water resources field and user support, training, and mentoring in the use of the software.  The intent of this contract is to provide a full range of water-resources research and software engineering capabilities within a professional environment.

The requirements include:

Software Engineering. The Contractor will ensure that all software and databases comply with all relevant Federal and USGS government requirements and guidelines, including enterprise architecture, security, privacy, disaster recovery, and others as stipulated in section C.2 Constraints, Standards, and Nonfunctional Requirements.

(a) Software:  Develop, enhance, and maintain software necessary to support implementation and operational use of analysis, modeling, and data-management systems used in investigations and research in the WMA.  Legacy and current programming languages include various versions of Python, R, Fortran, Visual Basic, C, C++, Java, and SQL.

(b) Data Management:  Develop, enhance, and maintain software and databases necessary to support the download, storage, management, manipulation, and retrieval of data used in the WMA.  Databases include, but are not limited to PostGRES, Access, Excel, Ingress, and Oracle.

(c) Environmental Data Science Standards, Libraries, and Systems: Such as Pangeo, GeoPandas; USGS R packages, dataRetrieval, EGRET, HASP, nhdplusTools; Observations Data Model v2; Water One Flow, and other similar software.

Documentation. The Contractor shall document software and databases as appropriate for target audiences, including end users, installers, and maintainers.  Formal documentation will conform to USGS publication standards…

User support. The Contractor shall provide mentoring, training, and user assistance…

The potential period of performance is September 1, 2024 – August 31, 2029.

Read more here.


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