DOI RFI: Geospatial Services IDIQ

Notice ID DOIMFBO240004

The purpose of this contract is to support a standardized and interoperable enterprise Geospatial Information System (GIS) for sustainable management of Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) energy and mineral resources for all BOEM mission areas. The services are needed to strengthen agency capacity by acquiring professional geospatial expertise to help manage, operate, support, and oversee the enterprise GIS platform for integrated management of OCS geospatial data and tools.

The procurement encompasses the following objectives, which serve the overarching purpose to:

  • Provide excellent user experience and customer service.
  • Support BOEM business needs and cost targets.
  • Facilitate efficient geospatial technology administration and data management.
  • Enable users to quickly and efficiently locate and access information, references, and data for a task.
  • Provide access to modern, intuitive geospatial web applications that meet a wide range of requirements from deconflicting ocean space to detailed OCS leases and point locations with legal boundaries, environmental impacts, geo-interpretative analysis, and locations of interest.
  • Enable users to create and share customized maps and geospatial web applications. Support web tool development and integration with other platforms, systems, and applications…

The mission of the BOEM is to serve the American public by managing ocean energy and mineral resources of the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) in a manner that considers the needs of all Americans for resource use, preservation, and conservation. BOEM promotes energy independence, environmental protection and economic development through responsible exploration and development of offshore energy and marine mineral resources on the U.S. OCS based on the best available science.  Whether we are talking about offshore oil and gas, offshore renewable energy, or offshore sand and gravel for coastal restoration projects, BOEM’s mandate to manage 3.2 billion acres on the OCS is no small task. BOEM depends on geospatial professionals, technologies, and data to support its decisions on how to reduce and avoid multiple use conflicts – whether within the agency or with other ocean users, such as national security, ocean energy facilities, commercial and recreational fishing, ocean aquaculture, maritime commerce and navigation, tribal interests, critical undersea infrastructure, and other ocean uses.

Mission-focused mapping efforts guide and inform responsible management of offshore resources, particularly for: (1) site characterization for offshore energy development and supply of marine critical minerals; (2) energy and mineral resource assessment; (3) locating sensitive benthic habitats, submerged cultural resources, undersea cables, etc., to ensure those resources are protected and to conduct environmental analyses; (4) locating sediment resources that are suitable to fulfill coastal nourishment and protection projects; and (5) administration of official offshore marine cadastral data, which includes lease grids and various offshore boundaries for jurisdictional enforcement and resource management; and (6) to perform marine spatial planning and modeling and to deconflict ocean space for multiple uses.

BOEM offices, programs, and regions include data owners, maintainers, and the source of BOEM data who are focused on usability and access to stakeholders with consistent, credible, curated, and authoritative BOEM products. Key mission functions and regions of the bureau that require professional geospatial support services which this contract will serve include:

The BOEM Office of Strategic Resources (OSR), which is responsible for the development of the National OCS Oil and Gas Leasing Program, oversees assessments of the oil, gas and other mineral, sand resource potential of the OCS, inventories oil and gas reserves, develops production projections, conducts economic evaluations to ensure fair market value is received by U.S. taxpayers for OCS leases, and prepares official maps and GIS data for the OCS…

BOEM’s Website

BOEM publishes data and maps on various public facing program webpages which allow download and viewing of products. The GeoSEAS Hub site (GeoPORT) is used to create a storefront for improving accessibility and consistency of these data, products, and materials.

Marine Minerals Information System (MMIS) ArcGIS Enterprise Stack (leveraging geoSEAS ArcGIS Portal and AGOL)

MMIS is an enterprise geospatial information system and geospatial publishing platform hosted by the DOI Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) and funded by BOEM’s Marine Mineral Program (MMP). MMIS stores a collection of data, both historical and present, to provide information to support outer OCS sand and mineral resource planning and decisions, namely, to support long-term coastal resilience projects. Marine Minerals data and information products include sediment samples; bathymetry; magnetic, seismic, and side scan sonar surveys products; environmental data; operational and construction related data; and sand resource data.

More here.


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