Notice ID: DOIEFBO250004
The new BSEE-wide Decommissioning System will add new modules to TIMS for maintaining decommissioning cost data (actual and estimated), idle iron program, and terminated lease enforcements. The new system will replace the outdated TIMS modules and provide missing functionality.
The new system will store decommissioning estimated costs and cost expenditure actuals reports in the BSEE corporate database. The database uses Oracle relational database management systems. The data will be integrated with other BSEE data systems including TIMS Web, which provides industry access via a web interface for government required industry submittals, and Business Intelligence reporting. The project implementation will require data migration from the existing user-managed Oracle tables that support Access and Excel data manipulation into a normalized data structure following all BSEE data standards and guidelines. The contractor will design and propose this data model as part of the project.
The Decommissioning System will be able to:
- Collect decommissioning cost data through TIMS Web.
- Store the estimated cost history for each well, structure, and pipeline.
- Determine decommissioning cost for each lease, Right of Way, and Right of Use.
- Track decommissioning enforcement orders issued to lessees and track the company that will perform decommissioning.
- Track idle wells and structures, terminated lease wells, structures, and lease term pipelines.
- Track proposed decommissioning timeframes imposed by BSEE or provided by operators.
- Estimate costs for future decommissioning based on actual costs.
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