DOI Fish & Wildlife Service RFQ: Record Management Services

Notice ID: 140FS324Q0071

This is a small business set aside, valued at $24.5M

The Florida Ecological Services Panama City Field Office requires records management support services. The objective is to review, sort, and organize approximately 220 boxes and file cabinets (combined) with thousands of records for disposal or retention.  The record management process shall be in accordance with the USFWS Disposition Manual, March 2006 (DM) and the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) policies and guidelines.

The Panama City Field Office requires a contractor (Contractor) to assist with records management support tasks to include but not limited to:

  1. Records review (Folder level)
  2. Creation of Series Arrangement Spreadsheet (box list) – Per USFWS Disposition Manual
  3. Assembly of Boxes
  4. Box list for retention will be provided to USFWS staff who will then populate SF-135 forms for each box and submit to NARA.
  5. Box list for disposition will be provided to USFWS staff who will then populate FWS Form 32513 (Regional/Program Records Disposition Certification) forms for each box and submit those to the Regional Office Records Management POC for approval, then disposition.

Contractor will sort through (approximately 220) boxes and file cabinets of file folders located in our library room and sort into boxes for two categories, destruction or retention by appropriate series and retention time per the DM and NARA regulations.   Box lists will be created for records that are past their retention times for submittal to the USFWS Records Management Coordinator (RIM) to approve for destruction or to ArCis (NARA database) for records that need to be sent to either the Federal Records Center or NARA.

The Service (FWS) will handle creation of SF-135 (retention) and FWS 3-2513 (disposal) documents, processing of such documents, as well as disposal of approved records and delivery of any retained records to FRC and/or NARA. The DM details retention period per record.   Records shall be captured at the folder level and shall include the following metadata:

  • Document Series
  • Description
  • File Location
  • Disposition date Panama City Field Office staff will assist contractor in identification of records as needed.

Period of Performance: 03/01/2024 to 05/01/2024

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