Notice ID: 140M0124R0001
The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) Office of Strategic Resources (OSR), which is responsible for the development of the National OCS Oil and Gas Leasing Program, oversees assessments of the oil, gas and other mineral, sand resource potential of the OCS, inventories oil and gas reserves, develops production projections, conducts economic evaluations to ensure fair market value is received by U.S. taxpayers for OCS leases, and prepares official maps and GIS data for the OCS.
The scope of this contract is a range of professional geospatial services that include enterprise GIS support; mapping services, spatial analysis, cartographic support; GIS programming; cloud software support; data acquisition; data management, data collection, processing, modeling, interoperability, and integration; geospatial communications, training, project management, and workflow support; geologic & geophysical geo-interpretative interoperability support; and administrative support. Support spans across the Bureau and all offices in the BOEM Headquarters and BOEM Region Offices.
This contract would serve those programs that intend to use and migrate new and existing functionalities or to become interoperable with the GeoSEAS environment. Existing external portals and other infrastructure utilized by BOEM staff include the BOEM Website, Marine Minerals Information System (MMIS), the Alaska regional portal, the BSEE data center, Environmental Studies Program Information (geoESPIS), Gulf Portal and TIMS GIS and subsystems, Boundary Delineation System (BDS), and BOEM data management to the
The primary goals of the Professional Geospatial Support contract are summarized as follows:
Develop, incorporate, and use a standardized, nationwide offshore BOEM based enterprise Geospatial Information System (GIS) in BOEM operations and systems for the sustainable management of OCS energy and mineral resources.
Advance geospatial services and database management system to support BOEM’s environmental stewardship role for OCS energy and minerals, in support of marine planning, coastal conservation and resilience and climate change.
Strengthen agency capacity by acquiring professional geospatial expertise and services to help manage, operate, support, and oversee the platform for integrated management of OCS and resource geospatial data across programs with the use of a central repository to harness data into one authoritative library.
Provide an enterprise and nationwide solution that accesses geospatial data services distributed throughout BOEM programs and locations.
Improve agency and inter-agency decision-making processes through the provision of high quality, consistent and timely geospatial data, and services to internal and external users…
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