Notice ID:Ā  89303524PEM000016

As part of its ongoing efforts to develop and sustain a healthy safety culture, the Department of Energy (DOE) Oak Ridge Office of Environmental Management (OREM) is required to conduct a survey periodically of the workforce. OREM is issuing this notice to inform industry contractors of the Government’s intent to execute a sole source award in accordance with FAR 6.302-1 that authorizes other than full and open competition when there is only one responsible source, and no other supplies and services will satisfy agency requirements.

The prior survey completed in October 2018 was conducted as an independent evaluation of OREM Organization Safety Culture perceptions and attitudes. The evaluation identified strengths and weaknesses and helped OREM to focus on future safety culture program activities. It has been over five years since the last Safety Culture (SC) Survey was performed in OREM. As part of maintenance of the OREM SC Program and looking for self-improvement opportunities it is time for a new survey to be conducted. Since the last survey the organization hired new employees (Federal and support contractors) who had been trained on SC. Management needs to know where OREM is in terms of knowledge and SC implementation across the organization.Ā  OREM Management intends to secure an outside firm to conduct a new safety culture survey in 2024/2025. For maximum usefulness, the firm must be able to compare OREM results with survey and focus group results of other organizations within the DOE Complex.Ā Ā  The firm must also be able to translate findings from surveys and focus groups to crafting specific recommendations based on state-of-the-art industrial organization/psychology principles and first-hand implementation experience.

The Government believes that only one responsible source, Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU) can provide this requirement. Dr. Jeffrey Miller, Dr. Davyda Hammond and their staff at ORAU provide a unique opportunity and ability to perform the scope of the Safety Culture assessment planned for OREM this year ā€¦



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