DOD WHS Sources Sought: Readiness and Environmental Protection Integration for the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Energy, Installations, and Environment


The Department of Defense (DOD) Readiness and Environmental Protection Integration (REPI) Program provides an integrated strategy to protect military readiness by preventing, removing or mitigating restrictions to military test, training and operations; and enhancing commander flexibility to operate. The REPI Program is a key DOD program to address and resolve current and future challenges to the long-term sustainability of and access to lands that support military test, training, and operational capability. In order to train military forces, test equipment and munitions, and conduct critical operations in support of the National Defense Strategy, DOD must draw on air, land, water and spectrum resources. These resources are increasingly constrained due to incompatible development (both commercial and residential), increased energy development and transmission infrastructure, degradation of habitat for threatened and endangered species, and a changing climate. OASD (EI&E) provides policy and guidance to manage the REPI Program. This includes policy and funding for REPI Program partnership projects; leadership and management for DOD participation in landscape partnerships, to include the Sentinel Landscape Partnership; leadership and management for the DOD Noise Program; and other key stakeholder outreach and engagement activities that 2 help to preserve and enhance military readiness and resilience.

The objective of this Source Sought Notice is to obtain information to identify firms capable of providing analytical, programmatic, and administrative support for the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Energy, Installations, and Environment (OASD(EI&E)). The REPI Program provides a comprehensive suite of tools and support to preserve and enhance military capabilities and maximize Commanders’ flexibility to test, train and operate for current and future mission readiness.

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