DOD WHS Sources Sought: HCMO Administrative, Analysis, Planning, and IT Support Services

Notice ID TR08212023

… 1.3 Objective: The USD(I&S) is supported by the Director of the HCMO. The core functions of the HCMO include understanding and implementation of significant and unexpected policy and structural changes required by the Legislative and Executive branches of federal government as it pertains to Defense Civilian Intelligence Personnel System (DCIPS) and the policies therein. These policy changes require development and at times the restructuring of training, Information Technology (IT), communications and enhanced program evaluation and oversight, in order to match the policy changes taking place as well as address the concerns of the DCIPS overseers and employees. There will also be a need to support the evaluation current and past performance showing both baseline and trend analysis of personnel and human capital items under the purview of OUSD(I&S) as the changes required by the Legislative and Executive branch are affected. 1.4 Scope: The scope of this contract is to provide analysis, planning, and IT support required for the advancement of human capital management activities under the purview of OUSD(I&S), to include administrative and substantive support to these activities. Contractor’s work and deliverables shall support development of strategic plans, program and policy development and changes, implementation guidance and assessments, support workforce development and human capital working groups, and provide services to support programmatic reviews, analysis of collected data, and presentation of analysis and assessments. Efforts shall serve as the basis for decision-making recommendations to executive boards and advisory groups, Director HCMO, DoD Intelligence Component senior leaders, the office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) and the USD(I&S)…

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