DOD WHS Sources Sought: Advanced Professional Executive (APEX) Senior Executive Service (SES) Orientation Program Support Services

Notice ID BS111520231031

The Department of Defense (DOD) Directive 1403.03 requires Senior Executive Service (SES) leaders to possess the background, ability, and skill to lead across organization and functional boundaries, as well as across the broad national security spectrum. The APEX Program is designed to provide senior executives with both a practical and theoretical understanding of the structure and processes of the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD), the (all or select number) Combatant Commands (CCMD), the Joint Staff (JCS), and the Military Departments (MilDeps). Additionally, the program helps executive employees gain an enterprise-wide perspective that encompasses expectations, opportunities, and challenges currently facing our DOD leadership. The APEX program allows for Senior Executive “Joint Training” across OSD and the MilDeps SESs as mandated in the Defense Management Report Decision No# 974, dated December 15, 1992. The APEX program was established in 1994 to support this requirement. The APEX Program will be offered twice per year (fall/spring) for no more than 35 DOD Career Senior Executives per session. APEX provides a high quality, joint orientation for newly appointed career senior executive members; the program helps new leaders gain an enterprisewide perspective that encompasses expectations, opportunities, and challenges currently facing DOD leadership. The primary program objective is to provide executives with an opportunity to expand their networks and pursue personal and professional development across the DOD. Upon completion of the program, executives gain an enterprise-wide perspective which encompasses expectations, opportunities, and challenges currently facing our DOD leadership. The APEX curriculum will utilize a variety of instructional methodologies including, but not limited to, discussions, activities, and simulations to enhance learning and address current world issues to foster collaboration, communication, and problem solving in an enterprise context. The WHS, Human Resources Directorate (HRD) has an immediate need for executive training facilitation, event planning, logistical coordination and administrative support. The main goal of the program is to provide participants with opportunities to broaden their professional networks and obtain an enterprise-wide perspective. The APEX curriculum will utilize a variety of instructional methodologies including, but not limited to: discussion, activities, and simulations to enhance learning and address real world issues that foster collaboration, communication, and problem solving in an enterprise context.

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