Notice ID: TRANSCOM23D016
The Analysis of Mobility Platform (AMP) is DoD’s primary system of record for providing an end-to-end military deployment and distribution modeling and simulation environment supporting joint collaborative programmatic, planning, exercise, wargaming, and execution operations analysis use cases. AMP is currently a client-based, desktop application comprised of a suite of several capabilities, known as models, including AMP-Core, which provides end-to-end simulation and analysis of transportation flow based on a given movement requirements timeline. AMP provides analysts extensive capability to configure, customize, and extend transportation and logistics models to suit analytic requirements. Other models in the AMP platform include the AMP Port Analysis Tools (AMP-PAT), providing a group of quick-look and detailed simulation models of airports, seaports, and installations. AMP includes the Rapid Course of Action (COA) Analysis Tool (RCAT), a highly intuitive tool used by planners to quickly build and assess COAs for strategic movement of generalized cargo and passenger requirements. The Joint Mobility Closure Estimator (JMCE) is an AMP tool that provides less detailed estimation of force closure over time. The Air Refueling Model (AMP-ARM, or ARM) is the DoD model of record for programmatic analysis of air refueling (AR) tanker analysis. It provides highly detailed modeling of AR scenarios at the campaign level to support tanker fleet sizing, capability, and concepts of operation (CONOPS) analysis for both tanker employment and deployment used cases. AMP has also leveraged research efforts to incorporate advanced optimization capabilities for specific use cases, such as Schedule Optimization (SO) for operational air movements, and Network Optimization (NO) for mode/node selection.
AMP Transportation Feasibility Assessment (AMP-TFA) is a cloud-based version of the AMP program’s core transportation modeling and simulation tool used to analyze and assess the transportation feasibility of Combatant Command contingency/deliberate operation plans (OPLANs) within the adaptive planning process. It is currently in development and is scheduled to reach Initial Operating Capability (IOC) as DoD’s TFA model of record by the end of FY24.
The objective of this requirement is to provide software development support and expertise for AMP. This includes all software code and associated components and integrations. Software development support shall include any phase of the Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC), including concept development, planning, requirements elicitation and analysis, systems design and development, coding and testing, deployment, implementation, integration, troubleshooting, security posture, documentation, and software application maintenance. Overall, software development support shall include all aspects of the SDLC necessary to sustain and modify the system baseline.
Further, the Contractor shall provide expertise to build and maintain the AMP-TFA development, non-production, and production environments in the Platform One Party Bus cloud environment (and other supporting, similar environments, as appropriate), as well as the Operational DevSecOps for ISR NexGen (ODIN) environment for Secret Internet Protocol Router Network (SIPR), and Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communication System (JWICS).
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