DOD Sources Sought: Office of General Counsel (OIG) Information Technology Support Services (ITSS)

Notice ID HQ0034-24-SSN-1114SAM

DoD OIG requires systems engineering support to enable environment management and application specifications, interfacing with various task areas to ensure the quality, sustainability, and security of all DoD OIG IT systems on the Unclassified NIPRNet network, Classified SIPRNet, and JWICS networks. DOG OIG seeks technical expertise in the areas of design, implementation, configuration, and optimization of DoD OIG IT systems. In addition, DoD OIG requires current knowledge and recommendations of evolving technologies to enable future system enhancements.

The objective of this requirement is to provide the DoD OIG with a Defense-partner to support OIG Information Technology (IT). The DoD OIG Office of Chief Information Office (CIO) is responsible for installing, maintaining, operating, and supporting all DoD OIG Information Technology (IT) systems and communications capabilities for approximately 2000 end users and over 60 locations around the globe. Due to the independence of the DoD OIG, the OCIO provides the full spectrum of IT services necessary to support the OIG mission including database support, storage management, transition management, application services, mobile device management, IT asset management, domain services, network transport, and service desk.

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