Notice ID: HDTRA124C0033
Contract Award Date: Jul 05, 2024
Contract Award Number: HDTRA124C0033
The Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) contracting activity proposes to execute a Cost-Plus-Fixed-Fee (CPFF) bridge contract with Culmen International, LLC (Culmen) without using full and open competition.
The purpose of this bridge is to maintain essential program support for the Cooperative Threat Reduction (CTR) Program during the anticipated performance gap between Threat Reduction Logistics Services (TRLS) and the TRLS II follow-on effort. TRLS is a program-wide integrated logistics support contract, which provides a wide-range of professional support including technical assistance to foreign partner nations receiving CTR support and comprehensive travel logistics to ensure the CTR mission is accomplished efficiently and effectively.
The TRLS bridge has a projected period of performance of 11 July 2024 to 10 January 2025. The implementation of this contract action is essential to continuing critical logistics support tasks currently provided in support of all CTR Program areas while the TRLS II requirement is competitively awarded.
Under contract HDTRA1-18-D-0010, Culmen provides dedicated, customized Threat Reduction Logistics Services to CTR. The contract scope is for global materials transit for items required to implement CTR program activities, customs clearance, personnel travel/events support, document translation, language interpretation and surge support capability. Procurement of supplies is not a primary purpose of the contract, but it is included in the scope as needed to support the major scope areas above.
Because Culmen maintains unique knowledge of the highly specialized logistics process required by CTR, an award to any other source or a delay in award of this contract to the incumbent would result in a substantial breach in service, an increase in cost, and a negative impact on the CTR mission. The effort required is already fully understood and previously implemented by Culmen. A sole-source selection is in the best interest of the government, as Culmen is uniquely qualified to continue their current operations and would require no transition time. In addition, the loss of critical staff continuity at this time would mean that the mission critical support to CTR would be seriously impacted.
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