DOD DISA to award Sole Source Follow On for Integrated Tracking System/Digital Mail Modernization (ITS/DMM)

Notice ID:  832469384

The Defense Information Systems Agency/Defense Information Technology Contracting Organization (DISA/DITCO) intends to negotiate a sole source contract with Bear River Associates, Inc for the Global Service Center/Joint Service Provider (J6) Integrated Tracking System/Digital Mail Modernization (ITS/DMM) requirement …

The proposed contract action is for maintenance and support services for both ITS/DMM and the necessary proprietary software components. There are three types of software that support this effort, Bear Tracks software for tracking material throughout the National Capitol Region (NCR), ITS for managing clearance requests and documenting security checks, and WebDOX Enterprise Software for Digital Mail.  Both Bear Tracks and ITS software were developed by Bear River Associates, Inc. WebDox software integrates with both Bear Tracks and ITS. Bear River Associates, Inc. currently owns the licensing for Bear Tracks.  Multiple directorates/agencies/branches of service within the Pentagon and NCR currently use the integrated tracking system to process mail digitally and input, manage, and report on incoming vehicles, packages, mail, and other data associated with security and logistic activities.  The integrated tracking system incorporates multiple pieces of software and hardware, from multiple manufactures, that have been customized and integrated into one system. Bear River Associates, Inc. has been the sole contract provider for maintenance, service, and support of the ITS and its components since 2003.

This follow-on effort will provide J6 with critical continued support and maintenance of the ITS/DMM system.  Continued support requires immediate knowledge and specialized capability to execute due to the unique operating environment. ITS is required to track vehicles, people, and material coming into the Pentagon reservation.  The system supports delivery, enhances mail security, and reduces unwanted junk mail.  DMM enables digital routing and management of inbound mail and integrates with ITS. The contractor shall provide on-site and off-site maintenance support for the ITS/DMM system, which includes:

  • Customer service support, including software troubleshooting, data analysis, data setup, technical assistance, and data management.
  • Technology consultation.
  • Testing and installing regular updates to ITS/DMM software (BearTracks and WebDOX)
  • Support and monitoring of ITS/DMM systems, operational, and functional readiness.
  • System enhancements.

DISA intends to use the current System of Record.  The vendor will be responsible for hardware and software maintenance support for ITS/DMM integrated family of systems currently deployed in Office of Secretary of Defense (OSD) network.  Services include on-site and off-site support for system users.

The anticipated Period of Performance is for a 12-month base period with four 12-month option periods.


Contract Number: HC102820C0002
Contract Vehicle: Open Market
Incumbent and their size: Bear River Associates, Small Business, 0YZS2
Method of previous acquisition:  Sole Source
Period of performance: January 11, 2020 – January 10, 2025

At this time, the incumbent contractor, Bear River Associates, Inc, is the only source capable of providing all necessary services. Bear River Associates, Inc. is the developer and owner of the proprietary software and holds the sole rights to license the use of Bear Tracks and WebDOX.  This software is the foundation of the system and is specifically designed to facilitate the work and functions of the program. The cost and level of effort to replace the existing software would be a duplication of cost unlikely to be recovered through competition.

Read more here.


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