Notice ID: NB187000-24-02780
The Research Services Office in the Office of Information Systems Management supports NIST’s research IT environment, including laboratory automation, research data management and exchange, high performance scientific computing systems, and NIST’s scientific software portfolio. The Office performs this work in service to NIST’s Laboratory Programs collectively supporting NIST’s mission: “To promote U.S. innovation and industrial competitiveness by advancing measurement science, standards, and technology in ways that enhance economic security and improve our quality of life.”
Academic research institutions throughout the U.S. as well as many U. S. government research organizations are members of InCommon[1]. The InCommon organization provides identity and access management services facilitating trusted access to institution-provided Information Technology-based services. Though NIST is already an InCommon member [2] NIST’s definitive identity provider is Okta. For NIST’s researchers to seamlessly access InCommon member institution’s IT services using their NIST credentials and NIST’s authentication implementation, NIST requires a software bridge between Okta and the InCommon Federation.
NIST is seeking sources capable of meeting the requirements defined below.
IT Security
- Provide evidence of a recent independent security audit
- Supports NIST’s existing Okta multifactor authentication (MFA) using PIV cards and Yubikeys
- Enables NIST staff access to InCommon Federated SAML applications
- Integrates NIST’s Okta identity-based service with InCommon
- Supports Multilateral Federation
- Enables NIST platform administrators to specify research and scholarship attributes to release to InCommon Federated service providers
- Service is hosted external to NIST
- Provides a web-based interface enabling NIST-designated platform administrators to analyze usage metrics
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