This fourteen-year member of the Federal Senior Executive Service armed with 39-years of public safety service including 23 years with the District of Columbia Metropolitan Police Department, perspective gained across senior executive positions in the First Responder Network Authority (US Department of Commerce) and at the DOJ Office of Tribal Justice (at Main Justice), takes on a new role.
Joshua Ederheimer as the acting Chief Learning Officer with the Department of Homeland Security. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Chief Learning Officer (CLO) and Executive Director of the DHS Office of Learning, Education, and Development Strategy (LEADS) is responsible for overarching department-wide policy and oversight of the design, development, and evaluation of training and education for DHS’s 260,000 employees. Includes all DHS agencies (such as CBP, ICE, Secret Service, TSA, Coast Guard, FEMA, FPS, CISA, among others).
It is our understanding that Ms. Laurie Boulden, the CLO at DHS is currently on assignment supporting an initiative for DHS, and is expected to return later this year upon completion of the assignment.
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