Notice ID: 70RCSJ24R00000015
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Cybersecurity and Infrastructure and Security Agency (CISA) Chief of Contracting Office (COCO) is issuing Request for Proposal (RFP) 70RCSJ24R00000015 for services to support the CISA Cybersecurity Division (CSD) Joint Cyber Defense Collaborative (JCDC).
JCDC requires direct support in creating strategies, processes, procedures, capabilities, and tools to develop, implement, and mature the Planning Office. The Planning Office enables cyber defense operations by working across the public and private sector to unify deliberate and crisis action planning, while integrating the execution of cyber defense plans. The Planning Office integrates capabilities from CISA elements and from external partners to ensure unified execution of plans, and unified coordination of cyber defense operations across prevention, detection, and response missions.
JCDC requires a contractor to provide direct support to the CISA, CSD, JCDC subdivision in creating strategies, processes, procedures, capabilities, and tools to develop, implement, and mature the JCDC Planning Office. As JCDC works to develop and implement the joint planning function within the JCDC Planning Office, the Contractor shall provide support and assistance in the following areas:
- JCDC Planning Office Front Office
- JCDC Planning Office Governance
- Joint Cyber Defense Planning
- JCDC Plan Enabling and Execution
- Risk Analysis and Risk Prioritization
- Adversary-focused Planning and Coordination
- Intelligence Support and Coordination
- Surge Support (Optional)…
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