In 2017, the Department of Defense embarked on a transformative journey to deploy a new electronic health record, replacing a patchwork of legacy systems it kept alive over three decades, and in effect, become one of the largest single users of a common EHR. MHS GENESIS gives service members, families, military retirees, and eligible veterans a single health record that follows them wherever they go, connects with civilian health information exchange networks, and uses the latest technology to enhance care, standardize practices, improve safety, and support readiness. Initial field testing began in 2017, and full operational deployment started in September 2019. The next four and a half years saw a phased, systematic approach to launch MHS GENESIS over 23 unique deployment waves in military hospitals and clinics across the U.S., and then expanding to encompass the entire Military Health System worldwide. When the final site went live in March 2024, it marked the end of an era—not only for the landmark rollout of the EHR, but for one of the many people who led the charge to bring it online. U.S. Air Force Col. (Dr.) Thomas Cantilina, the deputy Military Health System EHR functional champion at the Defense Health Agency and the chief health informatics officer, is set to retire in October 2024. In these final months of his military career, he reflected on his own challenges and triumphs of deploying MHS GENESIS. Cantilina came on board in January 2018 to provide a unique expertise to the deployment at a key moment in the process. It was clear to him and other leaders that a change in focus was necessary to successfully move the deployments forward…
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