Notice ID: 3002493
DFAS Contracting Directorate is releasing this Industry Day announcement on behalf of DFAS IT service support. DFAS IT is hosting an Industry Day for a systems migration project. The potential project is for a “lift and shift” of four systems from a Unisys OS2200 mainframe platform to Linux platform.
This Industry Day will be conducted virtually on Wednesday, December 18, 2024, from 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Additionally, the Government may request to conduct in person meetings with Industry following the December 18th event, but any follow-on with industry is not to be construed as a commitment by the US Government to form a binding contract or agreement.
This Industry Day is issued for the purpose of discussing in more detail the DFAS IT requirements on migrating four systems from Unisys to a Linux platform.
The objective is to migrate four systems from a Unisys mainframe platform running COBOL 74 to an alternate Linux platform in the DISA Linux Virtual or Linux On Premise environment. The targeted application software or solution needs to include a sustainable programming language. The migration solution will include the introduction of a relational database. Additionally, the solution needs to be able to handle high side and low side transactions. The purpose behind this migration is to migrate systems to an interim sustainable platform while the functionality is being built out in target long-term solutions.
Vendors must design a comprehensive strategy to create and deploy GAFS-BL, CPAIS, HQARS, & UPVM in an alternative operating environment. Recommendations should utilize a lift and shift approach in revisioning to a Linux platform hosted in the DISA Linux Virtual or Linux on Premise environment. All recommended strategies must address the total environment structure including, but not limited to, hardware, infrastructure, platforms, software, and security.
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