Department of Education releases RFPs and Questions and Responses for 2024 Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase Phase IA, IB, II

Notice ID: 91990024R0012

Notice ID: 91990024R0011

Notice ID: 91990024R0010

Phase II

DIRECT TO PHASE II SOLICITATION OVERVIEW The U.S. Department of Education’s (ED) Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR), administered by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES), provides awards for the research and development of new, commercially viable education technology products. Known as “ED/IES SBIR,” the program’s goal is to grow a portfolio of products that are based in research and widely deployed to address pressing needs across topic areas in education and special education…

DIRECT TO PHASE II PRIORITY AREAS (2) A. Projects to Develop New Education Technology Products to Ready Existing Evidence-Based Innovations for Use at Scale in Education Settings, and to Plan for Commercialization B. Projects to Develop New Education Technology Products to Ready Existing Evidence-Based Innovations for Use at Scale by Learners with or At Risk for Disabilities, or Teachers (or other Instructional Personnel, Related Services Providers, or Family Members) in Early Intervention or Special Education Settings, and to Plan for Commercialization…

Priority Area 1: Projects to Develop New Education Technology Products to Ready Existing Evidence-Based Innovations for Use at Scale in Education, and to Plan for Commercialization New education technology products to ready existing evidence-based innovations for use at scale in education are intended to improve learning or promote relevant outcomes in one of more of the following areas: early childhood learning and school readiness; English language arts; civics education and social studies; foreign language or English language learning; STEM (science, technology, engineering [including cyber security], math, data science); social and behavioral skills to support academic and other relevant school and careerrelated outcomes; the arts; and technical or vocational career readiness skills. Other areas not specified above will be considered based on the relevance and significance of need in the field of education. New education technology products for educator or administrator use (or other school personnel use) must be intended to either: (a) facilitate instruction; (b) improve the efficiency or accuracy of day-to-day administrative tasks or responsibilities; or (c) support decision making on the selection, implementation, or evaluation of interventions including practices, programs, or policies…

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Phase IA

Solicitation #91990024R0010 invites eligible for-profit small business firms and partners to submit “Phase IA” proposals for $250,000 contracts to research and develop a prototype of an entirely new education technology product for which no (or limited) previous development has occurred, over a period of 8 months. Awardees under this solicitation may be eligible to apply for a Phase II award in 2025 to fully develop the new education technology product over a period of 2 years, and to prepare for commercialization.

ED/IES SBIR is a highly competitive program – historically between 5 and 7% of submitted proposals result in a Phase I award, and about 50% of Phase I awardees win a Phase II award the following year.

The 2024 ED/IES SBIR program is divided into two tracks, each with its own solicitation.

The current solicitation 91990024R0010 (“Phase IA”) requests proposals for Phase I projects for the development of a prototype of an entirely new education technology product. The goal of the Phase IA track is to stimulate novel (i.e., first of its kind) approaches to solve pressing problems in education.

The other solicitation (“Phase IB”) requests proposals for Phase I projects for the development of a prototype of a new component to add to an existing education technology prototype or product. The goal of the Phase IB track is to strengthen existing research-based prototypes or products in addressing pressing problems in education.

More here.

Phase IB

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