Notice ID: CyberAnalyticPlatform

Capability Overview: Cyber analytic platform that ingests, normalizes, correlates, and aggregates multiple data types from multiple sources. The platform indexes data by type and enables users to input relevant infrastructure information and retain and enrich that information. The platform enriches and correlates data in the different indexes. Users conduct searches against the data in the platform and the data is presented in an intuitive interface, enabling analysts to identify cyber threats and vulnerabilities.

Requirements: Ingest multiple data types from multiple data sources.

  • Data Source 1 ingest is on average between 1.1– 4.5 billion records per day
  • Data source 1 ingest should occur no less than once per every 24 hours
  • Data Source 2 ingested no less than once per week
  • Data Source 3 ingested no less than once per week
  • Data Source 4 ingested no less than once per week
  • Average of 3.5 million queries per day to enrich ingested data sources
  • Data enrichment of 60 – 300 million records per day
  • Average ingest amount ~2TB per day
  • Storage capacity ~800TB

The capability must be scalable to support up to 1,000 total users

The capability must be scalable to support up to 500 concurrent users

Platform as a Service: Implement a secured platform-as-a-service system based in hardware, software, cloud, or a combination therein.  Capable of ingesting and exporting data in multiple formats (e.g. JSON, XML, SQL, CSV, etc.) and presenting that data in a manner that enables analysts to identify cyber threats and vulnerabilities.

User Interface: The capability should have an intuitive graphical user interface (UI) that does not require knowledge in a specific programming language. The UI should enable visual depictions of all indexes and allow access to those indexes to users based on role. The UI should enable users to easily view and query the data …

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