Decision Released: USAF Life Cycle Management Center Engineering, Professional, Administrative and Support Services protest denial

File B-422527.3, B-422527.4


1. Protest that agency misevaluated protester’s task order proposal is denied where the record shows the evaluation was reasonable and consistent with the solicitation’s evaluation criteria.
2. Protest that agency conducted an unequal technical evaluation is denied where the record shows that the differences in the evaluation were reasonably based on differences in the offerors’ proposals.
3. Protest that agency misevaluated awardee’s proposal by considering document that the solicitation provided would not be credited is denied where the record shows that although the agency cited the document in support of the evaluation, the error was not prejudicial because the information in the document was duplicative of other information that was properly considered.


Sumaria challenges the evaluation of its own proposal, arguing principally that the Air Force unreasonably decremented 3,881 points from the firm’s self-score under subfactor – number of tier 5 eligible positions transitioned in a 60-day span, of which 1,387 were decremented on the basis that the firm’s supporting documentation for work sample 1 and work sample 5 was inadequate.[5] Sumaria argues that the evaluation of work samples 1 and 5 under subfactor was unreasonable, inconsistent with the terms of the FOPR, and reflects unequal treatment. We address the challenges to the evaluation of the two work samples separately and conclude that Sumaria has not demonstrated merit to either challenge. We then consider and deny an additional argument Sumaria raises that the evaluation reflected unequal treatment regarding the requirements of subfactor …


Sumaria Systems, LLC, of Fairborn, Ohio, a small business, protests the issuance of a task order to Applied Research Solutions, Inc., of Beavercreek, Ohio, also a small business, under fair opportunity proposal request (FOPR) No. 73, issued by the Department of the Air Force, for engineering, professional, administrative, and support services for the Air Force Life Cycle Management Center. Sumaria argues that the Air Force misevaluated the firm’s task order proposal, engaged in unequal treatment in the evaluation, and consequently made an improper source selection decision.

We deny the protest.

Read the decision here.


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