- Protest that the agency unreasonably evaluated the proposals of the protester and the awardee is denied where the record shows that the evaluation was consistent with the content of the firms’ proposals, and with the terms of the solicitation.
- Protest that the agency disparately evaluated the proposals of the protester and the awardee is denied where the record shows that the agency equally evaluated the proposals in accordance with the terms of the solicitation.
- Protest that the agency conducted a flawed best-value tradeoff analysis is denied where the record shows that the selection authority’s comparisons were meaningful and reasonably based on the agency’s evaluation of the competing proposals.
NTT raises numerous challenges to the agency’s evaluation. NTT first argues that the agency unreasonably evaluated its and DMI’s proposals under the application hosting approach subfactor. 3 NTT next argues that the agency disparately evaluated it and DMI’s proposals. Finally, NTT argues that the agency conducted a flawed best-value tradeoff analysis. We have reviewed all of these challenges and conclude that none provide us with a basis to sustain the protest. To the extent we do not discuss a particular challenge, it is denied. At the outset, we note that, in reviewing an agency’s evaluation of proposals and source selection decision, it is not our role to reevaluate submissions; rather, we examine the supporting record to determine whether the evaluation and decision were reasonable, consistent with the stated evaluation criteria, and adequately documented. Peraton, Inc., B-420918.2, B-420918.3, Dec. 8, 2022, 2022 CPD ¶ 311 at 3-4. A protester’s disagreement with the agency’s evaluation judgments, or with the agency’s determination as to the relative merits of the competing proposals, does not establish that the evaluation or source selection decision were unreasonable.
NTT DATA Services Federal Government, LLC, of Herndon, Virginia, protests the issuance of a task order to Digital Management, LLC, (DMI) of Bethesda, Maryland, under request for task order proposals (RFTOP) No. 75D301-23-R-72589, issued by the Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for on-site software application hosting services. NTT contends that the agency unreasonably and disparately evaluated proposals and made a flawed best-value tradeoff analysis. DOCUMENT FOR PUBLIC RELEASE The decision issued on the date below was subject to a GAO Protective Order. This redacted version has been approved for public release. Page 2 B-421708.3; B-421708.4 We deny the protest.
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