Decision Released: GSA OASIS+IDIQ protest denial

File B-421775.6


Protest challenging exclusion of the protester’s proposal from consideration for award is denied where the record shows that the protester’s proposal failed to comply with a solicitation requirement for mentor-protégé joint ventures.


AtVentures challenges GSA’s determination that its proposal was nonresponsive and ineligible for award. AtVentures does not dispute that it failed to submit a qualifying project from its protégé or the mentor-protégé joint venture itself to satisfy the contract eligibility requirements but argues that the agency deviated from the terms of the solicitation by not permitting AtVentures to use a project performed by a subsidiary of its protégé to satisfy the requirement. Protest at 22-25. The protester also asserts that GSA’s determination usurps the SBA’s authority to determine whether a small business meets definitive responsibility criteria. Id. at 29-33. After reviewing the record, we find no basis to sustain AtVentures’s protest…


AtVentures, LLC, a mentor-protégé joint venture of McLean, Virginia, protests the General Services Administration’s (GSA) exclusion of AtVentures’s proposal from consideration for award under request for proposals (RFP) No. 47QRCA23R0001. GSA issued the RFP for the award of multiple indefinite-delivery, indefinite-quantity governmentwide acquisition contracts for a variety of services-based solutions, known as One Acquisition Solution for Integrated Services Plus (OASIS+). AtVentures contends that the agency unreasonably determined that the protester’s proposal did not comply with a solicitation requirement.

We deny the protest.

Read the decision here.


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