Decision Released: EPA Budget Formulation System (BFS) O &M protest denial

File B-422970, B-422970.2


Protest that the agency unreasonably evaluated the protester’s corporate experience is denied where the record shows that the evaluation is consistent with the terms of the solicitation.


cFocus argues that the agency unreasonably evaluated its corporate experience. Principally, cFocus contends that the agency misinterpreted the solicitation as requiring vendors to demonstrate managing, operating, and enhancing a BFS at the “Agency level”; instead, cFocus argues that the RFQ required only that vendors demonstrate experience managing a comparable budgeting system for any major federal agency. Supp. Protest at 11; see also Comments at 14. Additionally, cFocus argues that it referenced a contract operating and maintaining the BFS for the Defense Health Agency (DHA), which satisfied the requisite experience requirement.


cFocus Software, Inc., of Largo, Maryland, protests the issuance of a task order contract to KeyLogic Systems, LLC, of Morgantown, West Virginia, under request for quotations (RFQ) No. 47QFDA23Q0052, issued by the General Services Administration (GSA) for operation and maintenance of the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) budget formulation system (BFS). cFocus argues that the agency unreasonably evaluated its quotation.

We deny the protest.

Read the decision here.


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