Decision Released: DISA Technology Architecture Governance Services protest denial



Protest challenging the terms of a solicitation as contemplating the unequal treatment of vendors by permitting the agency to conduct exchanges with only the vendor identified as the “best suited” (i.e., the apparent successful contractor) is denied where the protester does not demonstrate the challenged provision violates statute or regulation.


S2 Analytical argues that the language added to the RFQ by amendment 14 permits DISA to hold exchanges with only one vendor and allows that vendor to revise its quotation, while not affording the same opportunity to other vendors. Protest at 8. The protester argues that this therefore allows the agency to treat vendors unfairly and unequally. Id. More specifically, the protester contends that the amended RFQ language expressly permits the vendor identified as the best-suited to revise its quotation as a result of exchanges with the agency, and that this amounts to discussions. Id. at 8-9. The protester argues that if the agency holds discussions by permitting quotation revisions from one vendor, it is required to afford the same opportunity to all vendors …


DECISION S2 Analytical Solutions, LLC, a veteran-owned small business of Herndon, Virginia, protests the terms of request for quotations (RFQ) No. 832266761, issued by the Department of Defense, Defense Information System Agency (DISA) for technology architecture governance services. S2 Analytical contends that the amended solicitation contemplates the unequal treatment of vendors by permitting the agency to conduct discussions with only the vendor identified as the “best-suited” contractor.

We deny the protest.

Read the decision here.


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