Decision Released: DISA Information Technology Services protest denial

File No. B-422428


Protest challenging the evaluation of protester’s proposal is denied where the agency’s assessment of weaknesses, overall evaluation of protester’s technical approach, and source selection decision were reasonable.


The protester challenges the evaluation of its proposal under technical subfactor 2. Specifically, NGS argues that the agency improperly assessed two weaknesses in NGS’s proposal under the subfactor, that the agency’s assignment of an “acceptable” rating for the subfactor was unreasonable, and that the source selection decision was flawed. Protest at 79. The agency responds that the assessment of weaknesses and overall evaluation of the protester’s proposal under subfactor 2, as well as the tradeoff decision, were reasonable. Contracting Officer’s Statement and Memorandum of Law (COS/MOL) at 13, 17-18. We have considered all arguments and find no basis to sustain the protest …


New Generation Solution, LLC (NGS), a small business of McLean, Virginia, protests the award of a contract to Akima Systems Engineering, LLC, of Herndon, Virginia, under request for proposals (RFP) No. 712367735, issued by the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) for information technology (IT) services. The protester argues that the agency’s evaluation of its technical proposal was unreasonable and that the source selection decision was flawed.

We deny the protest.

Read the decision here.


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