File B-422819
- Protest challenging the agency’s decision not to conduct a price realism analysis is dismissed where the solicitation did not require a price realism analysis.
- Protest challenging the evaluation of the task order recipient’s quotation is dismissed where protester fails to establish a sufficient factual basis for its challenge.
- Protest challenging the agency’s evaluation of protester’s quotation is denied where the evaluation was reasonable and in accordance with the terms of the solicitation.
- Protest that the agency failed to conduct a proper best-value tradeoff analysis is denied where protester fails to demonstrate that the tradeoff was unreasonable.
Koniag, the incumbent contractor for the services, challenges the agency’s failure to conduct a price realism analysis as well as the agency’s evaluation of quotations under the technical approach and management approach subfactors. Protest at 7‑13. Koniag also alleges that the agency’s best‑value tradeoff decision was unreasonable …
Koniag Technology Solutions, Inc., a small business of Anchorage, Alaska, protests the issuance of a task order to Hunter Strategy, LLC, a small business of Pompano Beach, Florida, under request for quotations (RFQ) No. 832468507, issued by the Department of Defense, Defense Information Systems Agency for the delivery of a modern enterprise cloud services solution. The protester contends that the agency unreasonably evaluated its quotation and conducted a flawed best-value tradeoff.
We deny the protest in part and dismiss it in part.
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