File B-421803.5
Protest challenging the agency’s corrective action, which included cancelling the solicitation, is denied where the agency had at least one reasonable basis to cancel the solicitation.
Hatalom contends the agency’s decision, as part of its corrective action, to cancel the solicitation lacks a reasonable basis. Protest at 1. In this regard, Hatalom argues AMC’s stated rationale for the cancellation, as elucidated through the development of this protest, is “convoluted,” contrary to law and regulation, and is wholly unreasonable. Comments at 2. In response, AMC contends that–as was developed contemporaneously with the agency’s decision to take corrective action in response to ACLC’s protest–it had several reasonable bases to cancel the solicitation …
Hatalom Corporation, a small business of Orlando, Florida, protests the Department of the Army, Army Materiel Command’s (AMC) decision to cancel request for proposals (RFP) No. W900KK-23-R-0016, issued for medical instructor operator support. The Army decided to cancel the solicitation as part of corrective action taken in response to a protest filed by Advanced Computer Learning Company, LLC (ACLC), a small business of Orlando, Florida. The protester argues that the agency lacks a reasonable basis to cancel the solicitation.
We deny the protest.
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