Decision Released: Protest Denial on $1B CMS Agile Collaboration and Modernization Endeavors (ACME) BPA

Added April 18, 2024

Case ID: B-421561.14


Protest challenging agency’s technical evaluation is denied where the evaluation was reasonable and consistent with the terms of the solicitation and any differences in the evaluation of quotations stemmed from the vendors’ different offerings.


SFI challenges numerous aspects of the agency’s evaluation of quotations. SFI first argues that the agency unreasonably assigned negatives to SFI’s quotation under the design demonstration and technical challenge factors. Next, SFI alleges the agency engaged in disparate treatment under the DevSecOps case study and technical challenge factors because it failed to give SFI equal credit for aspects of its quotation, which the protester asserts, were substantially identical to elements of the awardees’ quotations for which the awardees’ received positives. SFI further contends that it should have received higher confidence ratings under the design demonstration, DevSecOps case study, and technical challenge factors based on the number of positives and negatives assessed for each factor. Finally, SFI argues that the agency failed to conduct a reasonable best-value tradeoff. For the reasons discussed below, none of the protester’s arguments provide a basis to sustain the protest.

Where an agency conducts a competition for the establishment of a BPA under FAR subpart 8.4, we will review the agency’s actions to ensure that the evaluation was conducted reasonably and in accordance with the solicitation and …


Spatial Front, Inc. (SFI), a small business located in McLean, Virginia, protests the decision of the Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), not to select its quotation for the establishment of a blanket purchase agreement (BPA) under request for quotations (RFQ) No. 75FCMC21Q0013, for agile collaboration and modernization endeavors. The RFQ sought to establish multiple BPAs with vendors holding contracts under General Services Administration Multiple Award Schedule special item number (SIN) 54151S, for information technology professional services. The protester challenges the agency’s evaluation and award decisions.

We deny the protest.

Read the decision here.

Not so fast on $1B CMS Agile Collaboration and Modernization Endeavors (ACME) BPA


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