Decision Released: Air Force Cyber Operations Group support services Protest denial

DIGEST 1. Protest challenging the agency’s technical evaluation is denied where the weakness the agency identified in the protester’s proposal reflects the protester’s failure to sufficiently address the solicitation’s requirements. 2. Protest that the agency failed to assess a weakness in the awardee’s proposal for failing to demonstrate compliance with certification requirements is denied where the agency’s evaluation was reasonable and consistent with the terms of the solicitation, and where the certification requirements at issue are a matter of contract administration. 3. Protest alleging that the agency engaged in disparate treatment is denied where the differences in assessed strengths were based on differences in the proposals.

  1. Protest challenging the agency’s best-value tradeoff analysis is denied where the record reflects that the agency’s source selection rationale was consistent with the stated evaluation criteria.

DECISION Inflowlogistics challenges the weakness it received under the technical factor, arguing that it was improperly assessed based on the agency’s application of an unstated evaluation criterion. Protest at 11. Inflowlogistics also challenges the agency’s evaluation of ASIRTek’s proposal, arguing that the agency improperly ignored the awardee’s alleged failure to propose computer analysts with the proper certifications. Id. at 14. In its supplemental protest, Inflowlogistics contends that the agency treated the two proposals disparately when evaluators assigned a strength to ASIRTek for its transition manager but “failed to award Inflowlogistics a strength for its proposed use of a dedicated [t]ransition [m]anager.” Comments and Supp. Protest at 15-16. Finally, Inflowlogistics asserts that the agency made a flawed best-value determination and failed to reasonably consider technical discriminators in its tradeoff decision. Id. at 21-22. After reviewing the record, we find no basis to sustain Inflowlogistics’s protest…

DECISION Inflowlogistics, LLC, of San Antonio, Texas, protests the issuance of a task order to ASIRTek Federal Services, LLC, of San Antonio, Texas, by the General Services Administration (GSA) under task order request for proposals (RFP) No. 47QFWA22Q0021 for services and contractor positions in support of the United States Air Force 67 Cyberspace Operations Group (COG). Inflowlogistics argues that DOCUMENT FOR PUBLIC RELEASE The decision issued on the date below was subject to a GAO Protective Order. This redacted version has been approved for public release. Page 2 B-421459; B-421459.2 the agency used unstated evaluation criteria in assigning a weakness to its proposal, unreasonably evaluated ASIRTek’s proposal by not assigning the proposal a weakness for failing to identify employees with proper certifications, treated the two proposals disparately, and made a flawed best-value determination. We deny the protest.

See the decision here.


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