File B-422659.5, B-422659.6
Protest challenging agency’s best-value determination and subsequent source selection decision is denied where the record demonstrates the agency’s conclusions were reasonable and adequately documented.
22nd Century argues that AOUSC’s best-value determination was flawed because it “was laser focused on price” and did not “actually consider [] whether 22nd Century’s [quotation] was better than Lamb’s [,]” in effect converting the basis of award from a best‑value basis, to a lowest-price, technically acceptable (LPTA) basis, contrary to the terms of the solicitation. Protest at 9‑10. To this end, the protester maintains that the agency’s documentation of its selection decision does not show that the agency fully compared the relative merit of its and Lamb Informatics’s quotations, but rather, that the agency compared “only a fraction of 22nd Century’s findings to Lamb’s [quotation] and let price be the determining factor.” …
22nd Century Technologies, Inc., of McLean, Virginia, protests the issuance of a call order to Lamb Informatics Limited, of Fairfax, Virginia, under request for quotations (RFQ) No. USCA24Q0007, issued by the Administrative Office of the United States Courts (AOUSC) for centralized management and operational support services for the agency’s enterprise information technology infrastructure. The protester argues that the agency’s best-value determination and resultant source selection decision were unreasonable.
We deny the protest.
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