Awardee Name: ECS FEDERAL, LLC
Unique Entity ID: XYB4JU4PA6T4
Total Contract Value: $5,410,487.02
Action Obligation: $5,410,487.02
Funding Office: DIVISION 1200
Description: red and blue team cybersecurity program (rebl) bridge contract for 6 months.
Number of Bidders: 1
Award ID: 15F06724F0000749
Referenced IDV ID: GS35F048DA
Contract Vehicle: GSA MAS
RFP ID: 15F06724R0000132

This effort was awarded as a Labor Hour (LH) type contract using a Limited Source Justification (LSJ) for the FBI’s cybersecurity Red and Blue Team (REBL) service support needs. In order to mitigate the potential of the agency having an interruption of services because the acquisition strategy changed, a bridge contract has been awarded to the incumbent, until the recompeted requirements are solidified and approved by the agency. The contract action was not awarded competitively, and was not awarded as a Fixed-Price type contract because the intial acquisition strategy underwent the agency’s internal processes, which resulted in the Procurement Action Leae Time (PALT) shifting to the right, which did not allow for the recompeted effort being awarded on time. This contract is to serve as a stop-gap to mitigate interruption and/or degradatio of the FBI’s cybersecurity posture until the new contract is awarded.


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