Notice ID: RFQ241072

  • Contract Award Date: Mar 28, 2024
  • Contract Award Number: GS-35F-110DA
  • Task/Delivery Order Number: 75FCMC19F0085
  • Contractor Awarded Unique Entity ID: FN1DEA6883A4
  • Contractor Awarded Name: IBMS GLOBAL LLC
  • Contractor Awarded Address: Gibsonton, FL 33534 USA
  • Base and All Options Value (Total Contract Value): $2,390,124.00

The purpose of the Marketplace Learning Management System is to acquire contractor assistance with maintaining the online learning management system (LMS) to enable online training, testing, and registration for various audiences including, but not limited to, agents, brokers, enrollment assisters, and Center for Program Integrity (CPI) user groups.  This is a 6-month extension.

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